Monday, 10 August 2009

Death's Black Kiss Part I and Other Things

Well I said I would do short stories but couldn't really think how to do that well as I'm not good at writing those. So instead I'm going to write a mystery thriller type thing set in London in the 1800's called Death's Black Kiss. Most of my writing is spontaneous but I'll try and make things tie together as well as keeping it fresh and interesting. Well here's part one:

A shot was fired. Through the smoke of London’s backstreets the man could not see where he was going clearly enough. The bullet smashed into a nearby brick pillar. Whoever it was that was chasing him knew the area well. He ducked into a small alcove and hoped for the best. The man knew he would not be able to run all night and if he did not escape, at least he could save himself from the fear and pain of being hunted like some wild animal. He heard footsteps draw nearer. The closer they got the more they slowed. They stopped before the alcove. The man looked at his pursuer in surprise. He knew their face. He was not prepared to see this woman in front of him. She fired three shots in succession into his heart. She then bent down and planted a kiss on his cheek, leaving behind a mark in black lipstick. With this she claimed her fourth victim.

As I said it might not be the best writing ever but hopefully it should pick up a bit and another hope is that I won't abandon it like I do with most of my writing projects. In other news: nothing. I really need to do something at the moment as my days seem to mainly consist of sitting around not doing very much at all. And it's actually starting to get boring. Maybe something interesting will happen at some point in the near future but I highly doubt this. Anyway that's it for another blog. Next one in a few days. Oh and I won't post new parts of the story in every blog post. Most likely just every other post. So yeah, bye now.

Saturday, 8 August 2009


Okay so me blogging more absolutely failed but I haven't been here for the past week because of Wynet, the Christian camp that I go to. However that gives me no excuse at all to be lazy and not blog so I thought I would really make an effort to get back into it. I might go with the idea of writing short stories in some of my blog posts. Of course if I get round to actually writing these stories I think that might be a miracle but with God anything is possible. So I've decided to rely more on God than I have before and to allow Him to do with me what He wants to. It's taken me a while to realise that but I've decided to serious up (or at least in some aspects of my life) and just get on with living properly instead of wasting my life. I need to get out there and do things. I also need to praise God a lot more than I do. I need to learn more about Him and I need to make Him the most important thing in my life. I'm not sure why I hadn't realised this until now but now that I have I think I'll be able to properly make Him a part of my life, instead of just something that I think of from time to time. This blog isn't quite as long as I would have liked but this time I really will blog more often from now on.