Monday 10 August 2009

Death's Black Kiss Part I and Other Things

Well I said I would do short stories but couldn't really think how to do that well as I'm not good at writing those. So instead I'm going to write a mystery thriller type thing set in London in the 1800's called Death's Black Kiss. Most of my writing is spontaneous but I'll try and make things tie together as well as keeping it fresh and interesting. Well here's part one:

A shot was fired. Through the smoke of London’s backstreets the man could not see where he was going clearly enough. The bullet smashed into a nearby brick pillar. Whoever it was that was chasing him knew the area well. He ducked into a small alcove and hoped for the best. The man knew he would not be able to run all night and if he did not escape, at least he could save himself from the fear and pain of being hunted like some wild animal. He heard footsteps draw nearer. The closer they got the more they slowed. They stopped before the alcove. The man looked at his pursuer in surprise. He knew their face. He was not prepared to see this woman in front of him. She fired three shots in succession into his heart. She then bent down and planted a kiss on his cheek, leaving behind a mark in black lipstick. With this she claimed her fourth victim.

As I said it might not be the best writing ever but hopefully it should pick up a bit and another hope is that I won't abandon it like I do with most of my writing projects. In other news: nothing. I really need to do something at the moment as my days seem to mainly consist of sitting around not doing very much at all. And it's actually starting to get boring. Maybe something interesting will happen at some point in the near future but I highly doubt this. Anyway that's it for another blog. Next one in a few days. Oh and I won't post new parts of the story in every blog post. Most likely just every other post. So yeah, bye now.

Saturday 8 August 2009


Okay so me blogging more absolutely failed but I haven't been here for the past week because of Wynet, the Christian camp that I go to. However that gives me no excuse at all to be lazy and not blog so I thought I would really make an effort to get back into it. I might go with the idea of writing short stories in some of my blog posts. Of course if I get round to actually writing these stories I think that might be a miracle but with God anything is possible. So I've decided to rely more on God than I have before and to allow Him to do with me what He wants to. It's taken me a while to realise that but I've decided to serious up (or at least in some aspects of my life) and just get on with living properly instead of wasting my life. I need to get out there and do things. I also need to praise God a lot more than I do. I need to learn more about Him and I need to make Him the most important thing in my life. I'm not sure why I hadn't realised this until now but now that I have I think I'll be able to properly make Him a part of my life, instead of just something that I think of from time to time. This blog isn't quite as long as I would have liked but this time I really will blog more often from now on.

Monday 20 July 2009

The Right Kind

I really haven't blogged at all recently and I think I should make more of an effort to do so. Not that I think anyone actually reads this (I know of one person who does). Anyway I had great fun at Beth's this weekend. Apart from the wedding which wasn't that great (the first one I'd ever been to as well). I would have taken inspiration in the form of Xanthe but I really couldn't be bothered to answer any questions so I'll just blog normally as usual. The right kind of blog for me I guess as anything else requires actual deep thought (something I can do but dislike doing unless it's really required of me to do so). Also despite what Xanthe says: I DO NOT LIKE SMALL CHILDREN. I like someone who is my own age(-ish) and I don't even remember how that came up on Saturday. But anyway (I've noticed I say that a lot, I've also noticed I use brackets a lot too) just a short blog for today. I'll blog tomorrow (if I feel like it, hopefully I will) with new words instead of anyway and maybe things to replace brackets.

Thursday 18 June 2009

God Rests in Reason

Well I haven't blogged in a while (a week to be precise) and I should be asleep right now because I'm not getting enough at the moment. But I just feel that I'm not the kind of blogger who writes exactly what they're feeling but someone who just writes what they're thinking regardless of its relevance. The title to my blog doesn't particularly have much to do with this entry but it was just something that inspired me to write. God rests in reason, he is not in your heart but you are in the heart of God. You are always with Him and He with you. Okay so maybe a bit but I think there isn't much point in me blogging at the moment, not much for me to blog about. Maybe over the next few days I will be inspired to write more than I am at the moment and then I'll be able to be blogging well again. I think I should try and make more Dynamos of Volition and just let it all flow from my fingers onto the keys and just write whatever comes into my head at the time. That might get me blogging better and faster and more freely. Anyway blog end.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Dynamo of Volition

WARNING: The following blog post will probably make little or no sense.

Ah who cares, that's what you came here for isn't it? Mind you the flow of words from my fingers (I wish it could be from my tongue because then the flow would be a lot more fluid than the current motion) is often random and I think that that makes it better because it means that I just say what's in my head. Here I'm literally doing that because I'm just letting it all out. Dynamo of Volition? A dynamo is an electrical generator (or the original name for one) and volition is a term in linguistics referring to a distinction that is made in some languages' verb conjugations or case assignment to express whether the subject intended the action or not, or whether it was done voluntarily or accidentally. So the two words together mean almost absolutely nothing but I've interpreted as a constant flow of words that appear to have little or no meaning. A bit like my thoughts really (and to a lesser extent my blog, seeing as that isn't constant. Although that would be cool and creepy at the same time. STAY OUT OF MY HEAD!)

Still I think that was the point of my blog originally, not to tell you about myself and my life or to amuse you but just to get a few of my thoughts onto paper (well screen technically but you know what I mean). However that can sometimes be restricted for reasons of which I'm not quite sure but they stop me and then I can't get out what I want to say. They stop the flow. Which can be a pain but maybe that can be a good thing, it might stop me from saying something that I regret and it might work in real life as well (I actually hate when people say that, so their blog isn't about real life?) and be able to stop me from making that regretful choice of words. Or it could just be my stammer that stops me in real life. Or that could be that subconscious part of me again that gives me that stammer to make me realise that what I'm about to say could be not the right thing to say. You see?

I'll be surprised if you do see as none of this will make any sense to you at all probably an the grammar is most likely all wrong and the sentence structure worded all wrongly, still it's my blog so I'll structure it how I like. And it's what's coming straight from my head so that's what counts.

Anyway hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. It has been a highly entertaining thing although maybe my blogs should make slightly more sense in the future. I will now take leave and give you my lack of non-absence.

Monday 8 June 2009

The Beauty in Ugly

The other day I was having a conversation with my friend (who shall remain nameless) who was saying that she didn't feel particularly attractive. Now this isn't to say she's ugly (she definitely isn't) but it made me think about our perspective on beauty. We tend to think about beauty on the surface of things and not beauty that goes deep within a person. That's what real beauty is, the beauty in ugly (although there can be beauty in beauty on rare occasions). That aside what about the ugly in beauty? The people who we hold to be the most beautiful people in the world can just turn out to be ugly on the inside.

And what do I mean by inner beauty and inner ugly? I mean that it's what a person does and their character that makes them truly beautiful (or truly ugly depending which) not their outer appearance. So why do so many people judge simply people by their outer selves? Why? Because people are people. They think without their minds or hearts but with their eyes, only liking what they see if they think it pleasing to the eye. But if we saw with our minds and our hearts I think the world would not be a pretty place. I think that's why we only choose to see what is beautiful. It's because we don't want to see people for who they really are on the inside but prefer that outer beauty. Myself? I prefer the inner kind. But that isn't true for everyone and even I sometimes see people only for their outer beauty.

So yet another post talking about whatever random topic that comes into my head. I might post something that's happening to me. Eventually. Until then it's these random posts which kind of have a point to them. Then again where's the fun if my posts aren't random?

Saturday 6 June 2009

Only Human

Kind of a random thought for today's post but then again, why not? Us being human (and human only) we have our limits. We have our faults and our flaws, our blemishes and yet we think of ourselves as perfect people living in a perfect world. We don't really think what we might be doing in the world to affect it and how it might affect us and our future (and the future of our children). We might have a small role in this world but we each have our parts to play on the great stage of life. And that's it, however small we think we might be we all have a big part to play in life.

The thing is we can't overestimate how big this part is, we can't let ourselves get carried away ad think that we run the show - because of course that is not the case. There is someone else running the whole show. That person is of course God. I'm not trying to preach to anyone but I just feel that even though we shouldn't get carried away we can let ourselves slip up once in a while. There's no point in saying because we have fallen we have failed. God will forgive us if we're truly sorry. Besides, we're only human after all.